What’s In My Hospital Bag?

Ultimately, what you pack in your hospital bag is up to you so make sure that you are packing what will make you feel the most comfortable. I watched so many YouTube videos before packing my hospital bag for the first time and was overwhelmed by how much stuff some people were taking with them. My hospital had informed us of the many things that they would provide (that I was PAYING for) so I kept it fairly light. Also, my husband could always go home and get more.
This time around, I based what I packed on multiple factors. I considered what I packed and actually used the first time around. I knew I was having a cesarean so I planned for three nights this time, though I hoped to only stay for two. I also knew that my husband would not be permitted to leave the room (let alone the hospital) so we had to bring everything. This also meant that we needed to be able to carry it all (including a car seat) in one trip. I feel that you can definitely add (or take away) from this list based on your personal preferences, but it is a nice starting point.
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Nursing Bras – My favorite ones are these ones from Target. They fit me before I got pregnant (when I was still breastfeeding my first occasionally), during my pregnancy (when my breasts were growing), and still fit postpartum (with my breasts now much larger).
Pajamas/Gowns/Robes – If you plan to bring pajamas, I recommend something with buttons (for breastfeeding). Since you will be getting checked multiple times by doctors and nurses, it tends to be easier to not have bottoms, but I still brought pajamas with bottoms as well. I don’t think a robe is necessary, but it was nice to feel a little more covered while walking the halls. I am a fan of dark colors because of bleeding.
Underwear and Socks – I bought a pack of high-waisted, dark colored underwear. I already had socks with grip and the bottom, but the ones that I linked look great as well.
Slippers – I just used an old pair that I didn’t mind taking to the hospital. I love these ones from Target though!
Shower shoes – Any pair of cheap flip flops will work great.
Makeup – Definitely not necessary, but I brought it because we planned to do a little photoshoot.
Toiletries – My hospital had this mostly covered, so I just brought my own lotion, facial lotions, facial cleanser, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, and lip balm. They even had some of those items though so check to see what your hospital will have available.
Haircare & Accessories – My hair was braided so I didn’t have to worry about it. I did bring hair ties though.
Going Home Outfit – I prefer to have a top and bottom because it can honestly feel like your pants are holding everything together so I brought a pair of maternity pants and a nursing tank for going home. You can expect to still have a bit of a belly, so plan for that when you pack your clothes!
Eyewear – I wear glasses, but consider what you need if you wear contact lenses.
Silverette Cups – I packed these to help with any nipple soreness. They are not a necessity, but I wanted to start using them ASAP. My first pregnancy, I was prescribed APNO (all-purpose nipple ointment).
Nursing Pillow – I prefer this one, but you can use whichever one that you like.
Clothing – My husband packed clothing for both sleeping and during the day.
Toiletries – Again, check to see what you actually need versus what the hospital provides.
Pillow – My hospital had plenty of pillows, but still suggested the partner bring one. My husband appreciated having a comfortable pillow of his own.
This is the area where I packed the least amount of items. I knew my hospital would provide so much (diapers, shirts, wipes, burp cloths, bottles, pacifiers, etc.) and, hey, I’m paying for it. I did bring a few things though.
Blankets – These are my favorite swaddle blankets, but I did not bring the blankets for swaddling. The hospital has plenty! I brought blankets for our photoshoot and to use when we left the hospital since it was cold.
Going Home Outfit – Remember that newborns need to be kept warm since they can’t regulate their temperature very well just yet.
Car Seat – At my hospital, you cannot leave without this. It had to be brought in and checked before we could leave. This one that we purchased is so much better than the one that we had for Elani and is still affordable.
Sound Machine – I love that it is so small, but still gets fairly loud. There are also multiple sounds to choose from.
Outfits for Photos – I packed two different knotted gowns because I wanted to have a backup in case one got ruined. The ones I linked are so incredibly soft and these ones are as well.
Snacks/Water Bottle – We were not allowed to access vending machines or use the lounge due to the pandemic, so bringing our own snacks was a must. We also had access to room service for all meals.
Camera – We just upgraded to this one and love it!
Photo Props and Accessories – Since we planned to take our own photos, we brought our tripod, extra batteries, and charger. I also made a name sign for the photos and brought a little stuffed animal.
Phones and Chargers – Long cords make life easier, but we were still fine with our regular chargers.
Computer/Tablet/Chargers – I had planned to bring these to work on my blog and YouTube videos, but decided to just focus on my baby and my recovery. I have no regrets!
ID/Insurance/Important Documents – I brought my birth goals and the nurses were happy to go through all of them with me!
I ended up not really using the underwear or bras that I brought. The mesh underwear worked fine for me and I was most comfortable without a bra, but other than that, I used just about everything. Funny enough, my husband was the one who overpacked! There was not anything that I felt I forgot so this list worked perfectly for me. The only thing I would say is that the hospital towels are definitely not my favorite. I would not have wasted space with towels though considering we had to carry everything in one trip. I hope that this list of items helps you!

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