
Second Baby Registry

I created a second baby registry for two reasons. Firstly, I wanted to organize the things that I knew I needed and wanted for baby number two. Secondly, I wanted to be able to take advantage of the discounts you can receive through your baby registry. Originally, I had not planned on having a shower/sprinkle, but it was good that I had a registry already setup since my family planned a virtual shower for me.

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I started three different registries. That was not the original plan. With my first pregnancy, I registered at Amazon and Target. That was my plan this time around, as well. I then remembered that two of my friends had used Babylist, where they could add items from multiple stores. I decided to go that route so I had one space where I could see everything. I added everything from diapers, to nursery decor, to travel necessities. 

Again, I had not planned on having a shower, but when I found out that I would be, I was happy to have everything in one space. The items that I had added for inspiration or decor purposes were easy enough to hide in a private category. That allowed me to then make the things that we truly needed visible for guests to view. It ended up being more than I originally thought. I will say that some people found the process of reserving an item and marking it purchased to be confusing with Babylist. There was definitely a learning curve and some orders got a little mixed up.


Since my daughter, Elani, is only two and we’re having another girl, there are plenty of things that I want to reuse. That doesn’t mean that we can or plan to, reuse everything though. These are the items that are worth registering for, even for the second time around.

Bottles and Pacifiers

I have looked into this a lot and have seen mixed information, but most of the resources suggest buying these new. Elani did not take to bottles or pacifiers for a long time so I have a few that were never or hardly used. I also have a pack of brand new nipples because we tried various nipples for the the bottles. So, I did not put bottles on my registry because we have a few to try out. Once we know which ones she takes to, we will buy new bottles. Elani eventually took to Dr. Brown’s and Joovy Boob. 

I also have brand new pacifiers that Elani never touched so, between those and the hospital stash, we will be set for a while. If you do not already have new pacifiers though, that is something that would be good on your registry. Another great thing about creating multiple registries is the free gifts that you can receive. I have brand new bottles and pacifiers that I can use for baby girl that I got for FREE!

Bottle Cleaning Brushes

I would definitely get new brushes for cleaning your bottles and pump parts. I registered for this one because it comes with the small bristles that really allow you to thoroughly clean small parts. 

Feeding Seat

Obviously, this is not needed right away, but I put it on the registry because it will only be a few months before it is needed. We did not use a high chair with my daughter. She used (and still uses) the a booster seat. I love that it was perfect for her when she just started out with eating solids, but we can still use it now that she is a toddler. It takes up very littler space and was a better choice than a high chair for my family. 

Pump and Pump Parts

I think this is a good item to register for if you had a pump and plan on using it again. I loved my chargeable Spectra pump and was able to get replacement parts from another company that was compatible. It was more cost effective so I recommend doing that. My insurance will cover another pump for this pregnancy so I will be getting a smaller one that is easier for moving around while still pumping.

I also registered for this manual pump because it was great for catching my letdown on whichever side I was not using to feed Elani. I highly recommend getting one!

Breastmilk Storage Bags

These ones were my favorite! I did not register for more because I have many left over and decided that I can buy them on my own when I run out. If you plan to pump, I suggest having these on your registry.

Diapers and Wipes

Obviously, you will need diapers and some form of wipes. What kind that you get is your personal preference. Huggies worked best for us and I absolutely loved Water Wipes in the beginning. They were so nice her sensitive newborn skin!

Changing Pad and Cover

My daughter is still in diapers so we needed to register for a new changing pad. You can reuse the one that you have if that is not the case for you. I like the Summer Infant one. Elani’s changing pad covers match her room so I did the same for this second baby. I also really like to have changing pad liners because they easy easy to switch out and wash.

Diaper Pail

Since Elani is still in diapers, this is another thing that we needed to get. I prefer this one because you don’t have to use specific bags. We just use our regular trash bags!

Sound Machine and Baby Monitor

These are items that you can definitely reuse if your first is done with them. Also, I put them together because so many monitors have a built-in sound machine so you may not even need a sound machine. Our monitor, which is prefect for traveling, has a sound machine, but I like using a separate one. I feel that I cannot hear her as well when the sound is coming from the monitor. We bought this sound machine a couple of months ago because our old one broke. I love our new one so much so we registered for a second. 

Crib and Mattress

We have a convertible crib for Elani so we needed a new one for baby girl. Even if you are reusing a crib, you should get a new mattress. It is important for an infant mattress to be firm to reduce the risk of SIDS so you don’t want one that is worn at all. I think it is important to look into the right mattress for you, but this is the one that we got. Don’t forget your mattress protector and sheets if your first one is still using theirs. 

Washcloths and Towels

I registered for these because I want them to be fresh and extra soft for baby girl’s sensitive newborn skin. It is definitely something that you could reuse if you wanted to, though. I did not previously use these washcloths, but I loved the reviews so I’m going to try them out.


I still use this brand on Elani. She had skin sensitivity issues (and still has a few) so we learned to love these products. 

Stroller and Car Seat

You may or may not need this, but we ended up getting a single-to-double stroller as well as a new car seat. Elani is still little and loves the stroller so having a double will be very helpful. I will be doing a full post on our new stroller and how much I love it!

We decided to purchase a second car seat because it is nice to have two, but we also did not love our first one. We wanted one that seemed a lot more comfortable this time around, but still worked with the strollers and bases that we already have. We stuck with Graco and went with this car seat. I obviously have yet to use it with a baby, but I really like it. It’s a definite upgrade from what we were using.  Don’t forget your mirror!

Infant Swing

This is more for people who relied on the Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play the first time around. Since it has been recalled, I wanted something that moved on it’s own for baby girl. I decided to go with this swing. We did not have a swing for our first baby. 


I plan to reuse anything that Elani is not currently using that doesn’t pose a hygiene issue. We were not sure if we’d want a second baby, but we still held on to everything, just in case! I’m very glad that we did. I have listed the items below and the numbers correspond with the pictures in the image above.

1. Glider – We will be taking this one out of Elani’s rom and using it in the nursery.

2. Pack ‘n Play – Baby girl will be in our room for at least 6 months. Similar to Elani, she will sleep beside our bed in this. I love the nightlight and storage space to make diaper changes easier. 

3. DockATot – We did not buy one of these until Elani was about 4 months old. I absolutely love it and am so glad that we will have it from the start. Extra covers can be expensive. I recommend waiting for a sale or buying through Etsy! 

4. Boppy Lounger – We got so much use out of ours, but they are not recommended for sleep. That is why we also purchased the DockATot.  

5. Boppy Pillow – I used this for nursing after my cesarean, but we used it most for tummy time and helping Elani sit up. 

6. Activity Mat – I could not find the exact one that we used, but this one looks similar in quality. Skip Hop also has a great activity seat that we used often, but ours broke after a few months.

7. Burp Cloths – I prefer plain white burp cloths, like these ones. There are definitely many out there that are very pretty, but not as absorbent. 

8. Carriers – I will admit that I have a lot of different carriers. They were great for different stages, but I also just love carriers! The Kea Baby and Baby K’tan were great for when she was very tiny because she could be curled up and super close to me. They also allowed me to nurse her while wearing her. The LÍLLÉbaby has a lot of support and helped out my back as she got bigger. The WildBird Ring Sling is quick to get on and I like that it is so versatile. 

9 & 10. Bibs – I did not start out with bandana bibs, but I fell in love with them over time. For feeding, I prefer the silicone bibs, but NOTHING beats this brand. I’ve tried a few. 

11. Swaddles – We tried many different swaddles, but these were my favorite because they swaddle with baby’s arms up. Once Elani was bigger, we switched to these ones. They are the same brand, but safer for when your baby starts to roll.

12. Bathtub – I loved using this tub because I could put it over our sink. I’m not a fan of putting babies or baby baths into the sink because your sink can actually have more E.coli than your toilet! No, thanks. 

13. Nail File – I am reusing this file, but getting the replacements for sanitary reasons. If you did not have this, I HIGHLY recommend it. Baby nails are so tiny and hard to cut, but they grow like crazy. This was so much easier than any of the clippers that I tried.

14. Books and Toys – We will be reusing a lot of books and toys. I’m started to collect the baby books from Elani’s room. We love books in our house so there are many! We will buy some new toys (getting rid of most of the noisy, light up toys), but most of them are good to reuse. 

15. Clothes – Even though Elani was born in the summer and it will be close to winter when this baby comes, I have a lot of clothes that I can reuse. I actually did an entire video on my YouTube channel about going through Elani’s old clothes. 

I am so glad that I have so many things that I am able to use again, but I definitely underestimated how much I still needed and am glad that I created a registry. I hope that this information helps you put your registry together for baby number two or helps you in assisting someone who is expecting their second. Feel free to reach out in the comments if you have any questions!

I am a wife and mother who is taking it day by day and loving life.