Lifestyle,  Motherhood

Review: Lollipop Smart Baby Monitor

I have used more baby monitors than most because I worked as a nanny for a few different families. When I was looking for a baby monitor that would work best for my family, I came across many different monitors with varying features. After a lot of thought in comparisons, I decided on the Lollipop Smart Baby Monitor. It’s definitely not perfect, but we like it so much that we registered for a second one when I got pregnant again. If you’re looking for a monitor, these are the things I love and don’t love about this one.

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Lollipop Packaging 2

The packaging for this product is beautiful. I absolutely love that they put so much detail into it. See the video at the end of this post for a bit of an unboxing. This monitor is also very simple. Setting up the Lollipop Smart Baby Monitor is so easy that we bring it with us when we travel. Also, we pack in our daughter’s bag when she stays away with my parents. It’s so nice that we can easily take it wherever we go or wherever she goes. 

The Lollipop Smart Baby Monitor offers so many feature that I love. I’ve detailed many of them, below.

True Crying Detection

True Crying Detection – We get an alert for loud noises and when the monitor detects crying. It saves the video recording ahead of the sound as an “event” so that you can view it and actually see if there was something that led to your child’s crying. I had an instance when my daughter bumped her head and was crying. I was able to play the saved event and view that her bumping her head had led to her crying. 

Built-In Sounds/Music – There are songs and sounds that can be played through the monitor. You can choose the volume as well as the length of time. You can also start and stop it when you want to from the app. 

Two-Way Audio – There is a speaker button that allows us to speak through the monitor to our daughters. It gets used most often with our two-year-old when she wakes up early and we just need a little bit more time to motivate ourselves to get out of bed. She is always excited to tell us that she heard us through the monitor when we go into her room. 

Audio Only

Audio Only – We use this at night with our oldest daughter. You can set the monitor so that you can hear the audio in the background no matter if you are in another app on your phone or your phone is locked while you are sleeping. It’s a great feature that we use often.

HD View – Okay, so it’s not like watching TV, but we get a good picture of our toddler and our baby that we can view on multiple devices. My husband can see them on his iPhone and iPad. I can pull up the monitor on my Google Pixel. Not going to lie. We have definitely checked in through the monitor when we were out on date nights. Basically, the Lollipop Smart Baby Monitor is iOS and Android compatible, but it also works with Kindle Fire, the Echo Show device, and your web browser. I can also zoom in on the video. Yes, I am that mom that zooms in on to make sure her child is breathing. I love this feature and use it often, even with my oldest daughter.

Multiple Screens – This was something that I was very excited about when we were deciding to purchase a second monitor. We are able to view and hear both of our daughters when they are napping. Emi (three months old) is in our room at night for now, but we will definitely appreciate this feature even more once she transitions to her own room. 

Picture-in-Picture – This is one of my favorite features. Since my baby is still so young, I like to be able to see her. This feature allows me to still see and hear her while I am doing other things on my phone. 

Amazon and Google Speaker Enabled – This is not a feature that I use much, but we can communicate commands using our Google speakers. I have seen that it is compatible with the Amazon Echo Show, but we have switched from our Amazon speakers to Google. I would be really excited if we could view them on our Googler Nest Hub or Google Nest Hub Max. 

Disconnect Alarm

Disconnect Alarm – If the Lollipop Smart Baby Monitor disconnects while in background play for any reason, an alarm goes off to let us know. This gave me such much peace of mind at night when we were transitioning Elani (our now two-year-old) to her own room at night. 

Access Log – A great security feature is the access log that allows you to see all of the devices that have viewed the monitor. This way, you can make sure that privacy is secure. 

Standby Mode – By turning on the standby feature, the camera turns off. This allows for more privacy. 

Privacy Mode – If the private connection is enabled, you can only view the monitor if you are connected directly through the same Wi-Fi. This allows for added security. 

Baby Gallery – I use this feature a lot. You can take a picture of the video that you are viewing. I have so many pictures that I have captured of cute and silly sleep positions or fun things that I have seen my daughters doing. For an additional cost, you can also save videos, but that is only available through Lollipop Care. I plan to do the 30-day trial once we move Emi to her own room so I will most likely write an update post when I’ve tried it. 


Lollipop Sensor

Sensor – I have never used the Lollipop Sensor and I do not plan to purchase it, but it allows you to also monitor the temperature, humidity, and air quality in the room.

Lollipop Care – We have not tried or purchased Lollipop Care, but I plan to try it in the future. It offers continuous video recording as well as the ability to download videos. It also allows you to access event videos for a longer period of time and has a sleep tracking feature. 

Camera is Busy


There are so many great things about the Lollipop Smart Baby Monitor. With that said, there are also things that I do not love or believe they can improve upon. It is a very small list, though!

Two-Way Audio – We love using the two-way speaker with our daughter, but there have been way too many times when it just didn’t work. We’ve checked our connection and even added a network extender to boost the strength of our Wi-Fi, but we still sometimes have this issue. 

Built-In Sounds/Music – We very rarely use this feature. If we do, it is because we somehow forgot to turn the sound machine on and don’t want to risk re-entering the room. We find that the sound coming out of the monitor makes it difficult to hear the child. Lollipop alerts you to any other sounds, but we like to be able to hear as well. 

Red Light – If it is too dark, the camera uses an infrared light which appears as a red ring on the Lollipop Baby Monitor. Our daughter has a nightlight in her room so this does not come on often, but I could see it possibly being a little scary for some little ones. 

Additional Colors – There are three color options with this monitor, turquoise (blue), cotton candy (pink), and pistachio (yellow/green). The colors are fun, but it would be nice if they offered a white and a black for people that don’t want something so colorful. I would definitely prefer white. 

Cost for Additional Features – The Lollipop Smart Baby Monitor is half the price of some of the other top monitors out there. To get all of the features they have to offer through Lollipop Care, though, it costs an additional $199 per year. If you want all of the features, I think it is best to do a close price comparison with other monitors like the Miku, Owlet, and Nanit. 

Overall, we are incredibly happy with our purchase of the Lollipop Smart Baby Monitor. If we were not, we would not have purchased a second one. I highly recommend it, and if you do have it, please leave your thoughts in the comments.