
Tips for Weaning After Extended Breastfeeding

First of all, congrats, Mama! What you are doing and have done is not easy. Breastfeeding can really take a toll on you physically, mentally, and emotionally and the same can be said about weaning. You’ve been breastfeeding your little one for a long time. You’ve nourished them with your milk, and they’ve grown and thrived. You are truly amazing!

Weaning can be a bittersweet time after extended breastfeeding. On the one hand, you’re sad to see this chapter come to an end. But on the other hand, you’re excited to see your little one grow and to have your body back to yourself. 

My first daughter nursed for 23 months (I stopped shortly after finding out that I was pregnant with my second) and my second daughter nursed for 28 months. Weaning can be a big adjustment for both you and your child. With a little planning and patience, you can make the transition smooth for everyone involved.

Here are a few tips that helped me to wean both of my daughters after extended breastfeeding:

Start gradually.
If you have decided today that you are ready, don’t try to abruptly stop tomorrow. Instead, start by dropping one feeding at a time, over a period of time. This will give your body and your child time to adjust. I dropped one feed a month, but you can definitely move faster than I did. 

Avoid distractions.
When you’re breastfeeding, try to focus on your child and on the moment. Avoid watching TV or doing other things that will take your attention away. This will help your child to focus on feeding and to feel more secure. This will also help you to be in the moment and soak up the little bit of time you have left in your breastfeeding journey. 

Offer other foods/drinks.
As you start to wean your little one, offer them other foods and drinks. This will help them get used to getting their nutrition from other sources. We replaced Emi’s morning and night feeds with a glass of milk at breakfast and dinner times. 

Be patient.
Weaning can take some time. Be patient with yourself and with your child. It’s important to do what’s best for both of you. This is big! Feel free to check out my video below about setbacks that I had with weaning

Remember to celebrate your accomplishments as a breastfeeding mom. What you have achieved is incredible. I will be celebrating with some new bras! A lot has changed in the almost 4 years that I have been breastfeeding. Haha! Weaning can be a challenging time, but it’s also a time of great growth for both you and your little one. Good luck!


I am a wife and mother who is taking it day by day and loving life.