
30 Week Pregnancy Update

Reaching the 30s is so crazy to me! I feel like I am now in full countdown mode to meet baby girl and all I want to do is prepare. I set up Elani’s nursery fairly early and it was my favorite room in the house to just hang out and chill. I won’t really have that this time around because we have some home projects that we are getting completed right up to the time that baby girl will be arriving. I have a full design board planned out though so I know exactly what I want to do once I can start setting the nursery up. So excited!


The heartburn and indigestion have been rough. I joke that this baby will have no hair because Elani was born with a ton and everyone asked me if I had bad heartburn with her. I did not, so watch this baby girl be bald. Haha! Also, my sense of smell is very strong and has been this whole pregnancy. Honestly, it’s not a bad thing unless I’m around something that smells bad.


My back pain has been so much better since getting rid of my pregnancy pillow. Crazy, right? It worked great for my first pregnancy, but it was not for me this time around. Simply sleeping with one pillow has been perfect. I would love to say that I sleep great now, but I’m starting to wake up throughout the night to go to the bathroom and it can be very difficult to fall asleep again after getting up. The other night, it took for 4 hours to fall asleep and Elani woke up an hour later!

Glucose Test

I do not eat or drink sweet things often and the beverage that you have to drink for the glucose test still didn’t disgust me. I’ve heard and read horror stories, but it truly was not a big deal for me. I passed and am very happy about that! Unfortunately, the bloodwork showed that my iron levels are very low again so I am currently doubling up on the recommended amount of my iron supplement. For those who don’t know how iron can mess with your regularity…let’s just say, it’s not fun.

Kick Counts

Yes! My doctor told me to start at my 28-week appointment and I haven’t missed a day. Baby girl gets super active at night so that is the best time for me to do them. I normally can count 10 kicks within 4-8 minutes (sometimes much less time).


Earlier in my pregnancy, I was working out at least 3 times a week. I wish I could say that I was still that active! Obviously, keeping up with and entertaining a two-year-old allows me to stay active, but I have fallen out of my early morning workouts. I’m hoping my sleep will get better and allow me to jump back in. Recently, I have been waking up at 6:30 a.m. without an alarm so I need to just get out of bed and get it done. I highly recommend the Tone It Up workouts. I have been following them for at least 8 years and they have full pregnancy and postpartum workout programs.

Birth Plan

I do have goals, but I did not have a plan for my first and I do not have a full plan this time around either. I never wanted to set myself up for disappointment so there were things I wanted (delayed cord clamping, immediate opportunity to breastfeed, etc), but I went in with an open mind. I do plan on sharing my birth story at some point, but I ended up needing a c-section. This time around, I am choosing to have a c-section. I recently printed a document about cesarean goals that I still have to read through, but I will definitely share it if I like it! At my next appointment, I will speak to the nurse about the new hospital procedures (and new building “tour”), what to do for a planned c-section, and my required COVID-19 testing.


I am definitely nesting! I am purchasing what I can for the nursery even though I cannot set it up quite yet. We are getting new windows, new carpeting, and having the upstairs fully painted. Once that is done, I will have limited time to put the nursery together before baby girl arrives, but I plan on getting most of it completed. I know that it does not have to be done, but I loved having that space to go to when I had Elani and I want that this time around, as well. In the meantime, I am getting the rest of the house ready by cleaning everything, top to bottom. I also have purchased way more clothing than this little girl will probably need (look how much I already have from Elani), but I love shopping for winter clothes for baby girl. Elani was born in the summer so I did not have newborn winter clothes. I also have purchase the stroller and am so excited to share that when it arrives!


My family loves to throw showers. It doesn’t matter if it is your first child or your fifth! My mom and grandmother are planning my virtual shower. We are very late on this so I’m actually happy that it will be virtual because I will be VERY pregnant when we finally have it. Haha! I am using Babylist for the first time so I’ll see how that goes. I registered through Target and Amazon when I was pregnant with Elani.

If there are any questions that you have, feel free to leave them in the comments. If you are pregnant as well, congratulations! I’m super excited for you! As always, thanks for stopping by and I hope that I helped you out in some way.

I am a wife and mother who is taking it day by day and loving life.